Explore the surroundings of Bosschenhoofd
Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Reiskoffer is located nearby the cities of Breda and Roosendaal. These cities are perfect for a day of shopping. In Roosendaal you will find Designer Outlet Roosendaal, here you can enjoy a day of shopping and check out more than 100 designer brands for less. A visit to the Basiliek van Oudenbosch, should definitely be included in your trip. Nature lovers won't have to sit still either, many nature reserves are just around the corner and ready to be explored.
Nature and culture tips
- Pagnevaartforest
- Het Gastels Laag
- Basiliek van Oudenbosch
- Estate de Wildert
- Nature reserve Pannenhoef
- Nature gate Visdonk
Amusement park tips
- Waterpark Splesj
- The Park Playground Breda VR
Active tips
- De Turvaert
- SnowWorld
- Climbing center Yellow Stone
Other tips
- BLUE Wellness Trivium